Stanley Town Council budget setting 2018/19

The Town Council set its budget for the forthcoming financial year at last Tuesday’s full council meeting. The Council voted to increase the parish precept (which is the part of the Council tax which funds the Council) by 2.95%.

This means that for a Band A property, the parish precept will increase from £59.92 to £61.69 per year. The Band D rate will go from £89.88 to £92.53.

The Council plans to re-introduce an enhanced warden service for Stanley in 2018 to tackle dirty yards, dog fouling and litter around the area, provide more support for local community groups and village halls, whilst continuing to provide funding for the Stanley advice centre, free high quality events throughout the year, youth services and a range of Civic Pride initiatives. The majority of new services will be funded by reducing the subsidy of the Civic Hall.

Proposing the budget increase, Cllr David Marshall said “If no increase is provided, then the ability to provide the improvement in the service we are planning would not be possible”

Full details of the budget can be found here: 2018-19 Budget (Approved)

Video footage of the Council meeting (and all other meetings) can be found on our youtube channel. Tuesday’s meeting is linked below. The budget discussion starts 15 minutes into the meeting.

Council Agenda and Papers 23rd January 2018

Next week’s Full Council meeting will see the Council set the budget for the 2018/19 Financial Year. Other business being considered will include Stanley in Bloom, Funding Police Vehicles and a review of the Council staffing structure (this item will be in closed session).

The meeting will be held at 6.30pm on Tuesday 23rd January at the Civic Hall. All Town Council meetings are open to members of the public.

If members of the public wish to ask the Council questions at the meeting, they must be submitted in advance of the meeting to the Town Clerk, either in person or by email to

‘-FC Agenda 23 January 18

Background Papers January 18

Finance & Governance Agenda & Papers 13-12-17

The Finance meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th December at 6.00pm at the Civic Hall.

This meeting is open to the public. Please note that a number of items on this agenda will be discussed in closed session. The reasons for this are stated on the agenda. A number of the attachments are also not reproduced here for reasons of confidentiality.

‘-Finance and Governance Agenda 13-12-17

Combined Papers Finance December 17

Projects & Initiatives Agenda 12th December 2017

There is a full agenda to be considered at next week’s meeting. Items to be discussed:

Derelict Buildings & land; Environmental Cleanup team; Christmas Events review; Christmas lights; Police Cars; Road Safety; Comms Strategy.

The meeting will be held at the Civic Hall at 6.30 pm and is open to members of the public.


‘-Projects and Initiatives Agenda 12.12.17

ATTACHMENT A – 14.11.17 Projects and Initiatives Minutes

Full Council Agenda & Papers 28th November 17

The next Ordinary Council meeting will be held at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at the Civic Hall.  All meetings are open to members of the public. Business to be considered includes:

Budget for 2018/19

Medium Term Plan

Code of Conduct

Dying to Work policy

Stanley Library (this item will not be open to the public)

Agenda 28 November 2017

November 17 Background Papers (5MB, PDF)

Please note that any member of the public wishing to ask a question at the meeting must submit the question in writing to the Town Clerk in advance of the meeting. Emails should be directed to

Finance & Governance Meeting 11th October 2017

Next week’s Finance & Governance meeting will be held at the Civic Hall at 6pm on Wednesday 11th October.  Items on the agenda for consideration include: Grant Funding; Consideration of the initial draft of next year’s budget and apprentices. The full agenda and background papers re linked below:

‘-Finance and Governance Agenda 11-10-17

Finance Papers October 17


Notice of Conclusion of Audit

The Council has received notification from the external auditor that the audit of the accounts and finance governance arrangements for the financial year 2016/17 have been audited and no areas of concern identified.

The accounts are available for inspection by the public at any reasonable time.

The notice of conclusion of audit and the Annual Return are attached below.

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Annual Return (signed)