Finance & Governance Agenda & Papers 13-12-17

The Finance meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th December at 6.00pm at the Civic Hall.

This meeting is open to the public. Please note that a number of items on this agenda will be discussed in closed session. The reasons for this are stated on the agenda. A number of the attachments are also not reproduced here for reasons of confidentiality.

‘-Finance and Governance Agenda 13-12-17

Combined Papers Finance December 17

Projects & Initiatives Agenda 12th December 2017

There is a full agenda to be considered at next week’s meeting. Items to be discussed:

Derelict Buildings & land; Environmental Cleanup team; Christmas Events review; Christmas lights; Police Cars; Road Safety; Comms Strategy.

The meeting will be held at the Civic Hall at 6.30 pm and is open to members of the public.


‘-Projects and Initiatives Agenda 12.12.17

ATTACHMENT A – 14.11.17 Projects and Initiatives Minutes