Local Elections 4th May 2017

Elections for all 20 seats of Stanley Town Council and the whole of Durham County Council will be held on 4th May 2017.

Any person who meets the qualifying criteria can stand for election. For more information about what the criteria are and how to stand, check the Electoral Comission’s website

The newly elected Town Council will officially take office at the Town Council’s AGM which will be held on Tuesday 16th May 2017.  At this meeting, the new Council will elect a Chairman decide membership of Committees and review the Council’s governance documents.

Make sure you’re registered to vote in the forthcoming election.

Just visit https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote it takes only a few seconds. You will need your National Insurance number.

Annual Town Meeting 14th March 2017

The Town meeting is the meeting for all the electors of the parish to be given feedback about the Town Council’s activities over the preceding year and to raise any questions about public services in the Town (whether or not they are provided by the Town Council).  Guest speakers from PACT House, Durham Money Advice and North Road Gym (Catchgate) who have all received funding from the Town Council in the current year will be present at the meeting to feed back how the funding from the Council has helped to support their activities and as a result the residents of Stanley.

The meeting agenda is linked below.

Annual Town Meeting Agenda 14 March 2017

ATTACHMENT A – 17.05.16 Annual Town Meeting Minutes