11 replies
  1. Joan Hamilton
    Joan Hamilton says:

    I would like to comment on the state of Stanley Front Street. It is like a bomb site and badly needs upgrading and derelict spaces/ properties dealt with. Visitors have likened it to a war zone! Compared to Consett with its multi million pound new centre and Chester le Street’s facilities and shops, we appear as the ‘poor relations’ in the middle. Our new play zone area little lagoon is very disappointing. The facilities and layout are not suitable at all and many people are disgruntled with it, and, indeed have stopped using the facility since the change. I welcome your comments on these matters.
    Thank you
    Joan Hamilton

    • Alan Shaw
      Alan Shaw says:

      Joan, thank you for your message. At the Town Council we want to see improvements to Front Street and are actively working with partners to find find solutions to the derelict areas. We want to see Front Street revitalised as much as you do and would welcome any ideas you have to make improvements. There is a multi agency group that has been established with partners from Durham County Council, Police and others to work on this. In relation to the leisure lagoon, the Louisa Centre is operated by Durham County Council and I would advise you to give your feedback about the facilities to them. They can be contacted via their website http://www.durham.gov.uk/article/4494/General-enquiries-form

  2. Paula Robertshaw
    Paula Robertshaw says:

    my comment is about the Clifford Road Retail park. i am a disabled and use the car park quite often. every time i go there, most of the disability bays are taken by people without disability badges. no one checks the car park and it is so frustrating when i have to park at the other side and walk.

  3. Alan Shaw
    Alan Shaw says:

    Dear Paula, the retail park is private land and none of the bays marked for disabled users are enforceable, they are courtesy bays. It’s unfortunate that some people don’t have that courtesy but unfortunately there’s nothing that we or the County Council can do about it.

  4. Paul
    Paul says:

    Hi there, can you please justify why more than 25% of the money paid by local residents should cover the salaries of the Town Council staff and not directed in helping local people. Please can you detail how much each post costs and justify their role Thanks

    • Alan Shaw
      Alan Shaw says:

      Paul, producing a structure chart and publishing it online is one of a number of things that we are working on to provide more information about the Council to residents. One will be uploaded to the website in due course and I will notify you when it is done. In relation to the other part of the question, the Town Council has a total of 5 staff whose purpose is to deliver things for local people that the elected Council want to deliver. The Civic Hall which is operated by the Town Council has 5 full time staff and a number of part time/ casual staff who work at various events.

  5. Jeff Newton
    Jeff Newton says:

    Hi, I would like to know how Stanley Events could announce an event even before the funding was voted on.? This, along with the fact that they still become funding although they were only to be funded for three years smells of corruption. Do not try to fob me off with crappy bureaucratic answers. Just tell me how they could announce it. I would also like to know as a taxpayer if the money lost from the cancelation of the open air cinema event has been returned by the person responsible?
    I am also interested in the money granted to an already signed for closure Citizens Advice Bureau of well over £50,000, has it been returned and if not why not, who has it and when will it be returned?

    i await your full and competent reply in the said 2 days

    jeff newton

  6. Alan Shaw
    Alan Shaw says:

    Jeff, the Town Council does not run Stanley Events so I can’t possibly comment on any announcements made by them. Stanley Events applied for grant funding to support a free fireworks event on Oakies Field. The application was put forward to Council on September 22nd and the Council voted to provide the funding. My understanding is that Stanley Events’ intention was to put on the event but charge admission if the grant funding application was unsuccessful. As it is, the event will continue to be a free event this year. All the events that took place over the two weeks of the Music Festival are due to be reviewed at the Council’s Events Committee which meets tomorrow at 6.30 in the Civic Hall. This will include the outdoor cinema event. The public are free to attend. In relation to the 3rd question, this predates my time with the Council so I have no personal knowledge of what happened. If you want me to treat it as a freedom of information request I will look into it further.

    • Alan Shaw
      Alan Shaw says:

      Beamish Hall. Parts of it date from the late 1500s. It’s only just in the Parish of Stanley but that would be the oldest. After that, the oldest structures in the Parish are some gravestones in the churchyard of St Margaret’s, Tanfield from the 1600s, Harelaw watering place (also 1600s) and then the Causey Arch from 1727. There are a few farmhouses from the 1700s around the Parish but most of the buildings in the town (and surrounding villages) date from after 1850. This website is a useful one giving details of the listed buildings in Stanley Listed Buildings in Stanley


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